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There are 6 four-letter words beginning with MON

MONAmona n. Cercopithecus mona, a West African monkey.
Mona prop.n. A female given name from Irish.
Mona prop.n. The third-largest island of the Puerto Rico archipelago.
MONGmong n. (Dialect) A mingling, mixture, or crowd.
mong n. (Dialect) A muddle or confusion.
mong n. (Australia, slang) A mongrel dog.
MONKmonk n. A male member of a monastic order who has devoted his life for religious service.
monk n. In earlier usage, an eremite or hermit devoted to solitude, as opposed to a cenobite, who lived communally.
monk n. (Slang) A male who leads an isolated life; a loner, a hermit.
MONOmono n. (Informal) Clipping of mononucleosis.
mono n. (Slang, UK, Australia) A bicycle or motorcycle trick where the front wheel is lifted off the ground while riding.
mono adj. (Colloquial) Monaural or monophonic; having only a single audio channel.
MONSmons n. (Obsolete, palmistry) One of the fleshy areas at the base of the fingers; a mount.
mons n. The pubic mound or mons pubis. In human anatomy or in mammals in general, the mons pubis (Latin for…
mons n. (Astronomy, geology) A mountain or extinct volcano on a planet or a moon.
MONYmony n. Obsolete form of money.
-mony suff. Deadjectival suffix used to form an abstract noun usually from personal adjectives.
-mony suff. Denominal and deverbal suffix used to form a noun designating a legal status, estate, property.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org.

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