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There are 7 four-letter words beginning with MAL

MALAmala n. (Zootomy).
mala n. Plural of malum.
mala n. (Hinduism, Sikhism) A bead or a set of beads commonly used by Hindus and Buddhists for keeping count…
MALEmale adj. Belonging to the sex which typically produces sperm, or to the gender which is typically associated with it.
male adj. Characteristic of this sex/gender. (Compare masculine, manly.)
male adj. Tending to lead to or regulate the development of sexual characteristics typical of this sex.
MALImali n. (India, South Asia) A member of a caste in South Asia whose traditional occupation is gardening; hence…
mali n. (South Africa) Money, cash.
mali n. Plural of malus.
MALLmall n. (Chiefly North America, Australia, New Zealand) A pedestrianised street, especially a shopping precinct.
mall n. An enclosed shopping centre.
mall n. (Obsolete) An alley where the game of pall mall was played.
MALMmalm n. A soft, crumbly, chalky, grayish limestone.
malm n. An artificial mixture of chalk, clay, and sand, from which light-brown or yellowish bricks are made.
Malm prop.n. A surname.
MALSmals n. Plural of mal.
MAL n. (French) pain, sickness.
MALTmalt n. Malted grain (sprouted grain) (usually barley), used in brewing and otherwise.
malt n. Malt liquor, especially malt whisky.
malt n. (US, informal) A milkshake with malted milk powder added for flavor.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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