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There are 13 fifteen-letter words beginning with MAL

MALACOPTERYGIANmalacopterygian n. (Archaic) (zoology) Any of the obsolete order of fish Malacopterygii.
MALACOPTERYGIAN adj. belonging to the Malacopterygii, a soft-finned suborder of bony fishes, including herrings and salmon.
MALADMINISTEREDmaladministered v. Simple past tense and past participle of maladminister.
MALADMINISTER v. to administer wrongly.
MALADROITNESSESmaladroitnesses n. Plural of maladroitness.
MALADROITNESS n. MALADROIT, (French) clumsy, unskilful.
MALAPPROPRIATEDmalappropriated v. Simple past tense and past participle of malappropriate.
MALAPPROPRIATE v. to misuse or misappropriate.
MALAPPROPRIATESmalappropriates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of malappropriate.
MALAPPROPRIATE v. to misuse or misappropriate.
MALASSIMILATIONmalassimilation n. Imperfect digestion of the several leading constituents of food.
malassimilation n. An imperfect elaboration by the tissues of the materials brought to them by the bloodstream.
MALASSIMILATION n. imperfect assimilation or nutrition.
MALCONFORMATIONmalconformation n. Imperfect, disproportionate, or abnormal formation; disproportion of parts.
MALCONFORMATION n. disproportionate or imperfect formation.
MALDISTRIBUTIONmaldistribution n. Bad or undesirable distribution of wealth, resources etc.
MALDISTRIBUTION n. unfair distribution.
MALFUNCTIONINGSmalfunctionings n. Plural of malfunctioning.
MALFUNCTIONING n. an instance of functioning imperfectly or badly.
MALICIOUSNESSESmaliciousnesses n. Plural of maliciousness.
MALICIOUSNESS n. MALICIOUS, bearing ill-will or spite.
MALLEABLENESSESMALLEABLENESS n. the state of being malleable.
MALPRACTITIONERmalpractitioner n. One who commits malpractice.
MALPRACTITIONER n. one who engages in or commits malpractice.
MALPRESENTATIONmalpresentation n. An abnormal positioning of a fetus at the time of delivery.
MALPRESENTATION n. abnormal positioning of a fetus in childbirth.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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