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There are 11 words beginning with LENTIC

LENTIClentic adj. Of or pertaining to, or living in still waters (such as lakes, ponds, or wetlands).
LENTIC adj. pertaining to still water.
LENTICELlenticel n. One of the small, oval, rounded spots upon the stem or branch of a plant, from which the underlying…
lenticel n. A small, lens-shaped gland on the underside of some leaves.
LENTICEL n. a breathing pore in bark.
LENTICLElenticle n. A small lens or window.
lenticle n. Misspelling of lenticel.
LENTICLE n. a double convex mass.
LENTICELSlenticels n. Plural of lenticel.
LENTICEL n. a breathing pore in bark.
LENTICLESlenticles n. Plural of lenticle.
LENTICLE n. a double convex mass.
LENTICULElenticule n. Alternative form of lenticula.
LENTICULE n. any of the small corrugations on the base side of a film used in colour processing.
LENTICULARlenticular adj. Of or pertaining to a lens.
lenticular adj. Shaped like a biconvex lens.
lenticular adj. Relating to a lenticular image.
LENTICULESlenticules n. Plural of lenticule.
LENTICULE n. any of the small corrugations on the base side of a film used in colour processing.
LENTICULARSlenticulars n. Plural of lenticular.
LENTICULAR n. a three-dimensional picture made up of photographs of a scene which have been taken from several angles, split into strips, juxtaposed, and laminated with corrugated plastic.
LENTICELLATElenticellate adj. (Botany) Producing lenticels; dotted with lenticels.
LENTICELLATE adj. of or like a lenticel, a breathing pore in bark.
LENTICULARLYlenticularly adv. In a lenticular manner.
LENTICULAR adv. lens-shaped.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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