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There are 8 words beginning with LANTER

LANTERNlantern n. A case of translucent or transparent material made to protect a flame, or light, used to illuminate its surroundings.
lantern n. (Theater) Especially, a metal casing with lens used to illuminate a stage (e.g. spotlight, floodlight).
lantern n. (Architecture) An open structure of light material set upon a roof, to give light and air to the interior.
LANTERNSlanterns n. Plural of lantern.
LANTERN v. to provide with a case for carrying a light.
LANTERLOOlanterloo n. (Countable) A meaningless chant or refrain.
lanterloo n. (Uncountable, card games) A trick-taking card game popular in 17th-century England, where each player…
LANTERLOO n. (obsolete) a card game, an ancestral form of loo.
LANTERNEDlanterned v. Simple past tense and past participle of lantern.
LANTERN v. to provide with a case for carrying a light.
LANTERLOOSlanterloos n. Plural of lanterloo.
LANTERLOO n. (obsolete) a card game, an ancestral form of loo.
LANTERNINGlanterning v. Present participle of lantern.
LANTERN v. to provide with a case for carrying a light.
LANTERNISTlanternist n. (Historical) The operator of a magic lantern.
LANTERNIST n. a person who works a magic lantern.
LANTERNISTSlanternists n. Plural of lanternist.
LANTERNIST n. a person who works a magic lantern.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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