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There are 7 words beginning with LORDO

LORDOMALORDOMA n. a curvature of the spinal column, also LORDOSIS.
LORDOMASLORDOMA n. a curvature of the spinal column, also LORDOSIS.
LORDOSESlordoses n. Plural of lordosis.
LORDOSIS n. a curvature of the spinal column, also LORDOMA.
LORDOSISlordosis n. (Pathology) An excessive backwards curvature of the spine, causing a hollow in the back.
lordosis n. (Zoology) A body posture of some female mammals, indicating receptivity to copulation. It involves lowering…
LORDOSIS n. a curvature of the spinal column, also LORDOMA.
LORDOTIClordotic adj. (Pathology) Of, relating to or afflicted with lordosis; having an abnormal backwards curvature of the spine.
LORDOTIC adj. having a convex curvature of the spine.
LORDOLATRYlordolatry n. Worship of, or reverence for, lords.
LORDOLATRY n. worship of nobility.
LORDOLATRIESLORDOLATRY n. worship of nobility.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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