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There are 20 words beginning with LEGAT

LEGATARIESlegataries n. Plural of legatary.
LEGATARY n. the inheritor of a legacy, also LEGATEE.
LEGATARYlegatary n. A legatee.
LEGATARY n. the inheritor of a legacy, also LEGATEE.
LEGATElegate n. A deputy representing the pope, specifically a papal ambassador sent on special ecclesiastical missions.
legate n. An ambassador or messenger.
legate n. The deputy of a provincial governor or general in ancient Rome.
LEGATEDlegated v. Simple past tense and past participle of legate.
LEGATE v. to bequeath.
LEGATEElegatee n. (Law) One who receives a legacy.
LEGATEE n. the inheritor of a legacy, also LEGATARY.
LEGATEESlegatees n. Plural of legatee.
LEGATEE n. the inheritor of a legacy, also LEGATARY.
LEGATESlegates n. Plural of legate.
Legates prop.n. Plural of Legate.
LEGATE v. to bequeath.
LEGATESHIPlegateship n. The office or authority of a legate.
LEGATESHIP n. the office of a legate.
LEGATESHIPSlegateships n. Plural of legateship.
LEGATESHIP n. the office of a legate.
LEGATINElegatine adj. Belonging to a legate.
legatine adj. Headed by a legate.
legatine adj. Enacted by a legate.
LEGATINGlegating v. Present participle of legate.
LEGATE v. to bequeath.
LEGATIONlegation n. The purpose for which a legate is sent; a legate’s mission or commission. Now rare (cf. OED).
legation n. The post or office of a legate; a legateship.
legation n. A diplomatic mission.
LEGATIONARYlegationary adj. Relating to a legation.
LEGATIONARY adj. relating to a legation.
LEGATIONSlegations n. Plural of legation.
LEGATION n. the sending of an official envoy.
LEGATISSIMOLEGATISSIMO adv. (Italian) as smoothly as possible.
LEGATOlegato adv. (Music) Smoothly, in a connected manner.
legato n. (Music) A style of performance characterized by smoothly connected notes.
legato n. (Music) A passage that is played legato.
LEGATORlegator n. A donor.
LEGATOR n. a testator; one who bequeaths a legacy.
LEGATORIALLEGATORIAL adj. like a legator.
LEGATORSlegators n. Plural of legator.
LEGATOR n. a testator; one who bequeaths a legacy.
LEGATOSlegatos n. Plural of legato.
LEGATO n. a legato passage.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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