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There are 19 ten-letter words beginning with LITHO

LITHOCLASTlithoclast n. A now obsolete surgical instrument for crushing stones in the bladder.
LITHOCLAST n. a stone breaker; a tool for breaking rocks.
LITHOCYSTSlithocysts n. Plural of lithocyst.
LITHOCYST n. a cell containing a cystolith, a hard mineralized ingrowth of the wall of cells in the epidermis of certain plants.
LITHOGLYPHlithoglyph n. An engraving on a gem.
LITHOGLYPH n. an engraving on stone.
LITHOGRAPHlithograph n. A printed image produced by lithography.
lithograph v. To create a copy of an image through lithography.
LITHOGRAPH v. to produce by lithography.
LITHOLATRYlitholatry n. (Chiefly theology) The worship of stones.
LITHOLATRY n. stone-worship.
LITHOLOGIClithologic adj. Pertaining to lithology.
LITHOLOGIC adj. relating to lithology, the study of rocks, also LITHOLOGICAL.
LITHOMANCYlithomancy n. Divination with the use of precious or semi-precious stones, gemstones, or normal stones by either interpreting…
LITHOMANCY n. divination by stones or meteorites.
LITHOMARGElithomarge n. Kaolinite.
LITHOMARGE n. a clay of a fine smooth texture, and very sectile.
LITHOPHANElithophane n. A style of European porcelain in which the figures are seen by transmitted light.
Lithophane prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Noctuidae – certain moths.
LITHOPHANE n. porcelain with pictures showing through transparency.
LITHOPHYSALITHOPHYSA n. a bladderlike spherulite, also LITHOPHYSE.
LITHOPHYSElithophyse n. (Mineralogy) A spherulitic cavity, often with concentric chambers, observed in some volcanic rocks…
LITHOPHYSE n. a bladderlike spherulite, also LITHOPHYSA.
LITHOPHYTElithophyte n. (Biology) Any plant that lives grows on rocks, obtaining nourishment from rain and the atmosphere.
lithophyte n. (Zoology) Any organism, such as a coral, resembling a stony plant.
LITHOPHYTE n. a plant that grows on rock.
LITHOPONESlithopones n. Plural of lithopone.
LITHOPONE n. a white pigment used in paints, consisting of a mixture of zinc sulphide and barium sulphate.
LITHOPRINTlithoprint n. A print made by lithography.
LITHOPRINT n. a print made by lithography.
LITHOTOMESlithotomes n. Plural of lithotome.
LITHOTOME n. a stone so formed by nature as to appear as if cut by art.
LITHOTOMIClithotomic adj. Relating to, or performed by, lithotomy.
LITHOTOMIC adj. relating to lithotomy, the surgical removal of stones from bodily organs, also LITHOTOMICAL.
LITHOTRITElithotrite n. A lithotriptor.
LITHOTRITE n. a device that crushes stones in the bladder by ultrasound, also LITHONTRIPTOR, LITHOTRIPTER, LITHOTRIPTOR, LITHOTRITOR.
LITHOTRITYlithotrity n. (Surgery) The operation of breaking a stone in the bladder into small pieces capable of being voided.
LITHOTRITY n. the operation of breaking a stone in the bladder into small pieces capable of being voided.
LITHOTYPESlithotypes n. Plural of lithotype.
LITHOTYPE n. an etched stone surface for printing a design in relief; an imprint made from it.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 47 words
  • Scrabble in French: 7 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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