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There are 12 words beginning with LOBU

LOBUSlobus n. (Medicine, anatomy) A lobe.
Lobus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Geometridae – certain moths.
LOBUS n. (Latin) a lobe.
LOBULElobule n. Diminutive of lobe…
LOBULE n. a small lobe, also LOBULUS.
LOBULIlobuli n. Plural of lobulus.
LOBULUS n. (Latin) a small lobe or lobe-like structure, also LOBULE.
LOBULARlobular adj. Of or relating to a lobule.
LOBULAR adj. shaped like a lobe.
LOBULESlobules n. Plural of lobule.
LOBULE n. a small lobe, also LOBULUS.
LOBULUSlobulus n. A lobule; a small lobe or subdivision of a lobe.
LOBULUS n. (Latin) a small lobe or lobe-like structure, also LOBULE.
LOBULATElobulate adj. Synonym of lobulated.
LOBULATE adj. having lobules, also LOBULATED, LOBULOSE.
LOBULOSElobulose adj. Alternative form of lobulous.
LOBULOSE adj. having lobules, also LOBULATE, LOBULATED.
LOBULARLYlobularly adv. In a lobular manner.
LOBULAR adv. shaped like a lobe.
LOBULATEDlobulated adj. Made up of, or divided into, lobules.
LOBULATED adj. having lobules, also LOBULATE, LOBULOSE.
LOBULATIONlobulation n. (Pathology) The presence of lobules (in a place where there are normally none).
LOBULATION n. the state of being lobulate.
LOBULATIONSlobulations n. Plural of lobulation.
LOBULATION n. the state of being lobulate.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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