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There are 14 words beginning with LINC

LINCHlinch n. A ledge, a terrace; a right-angled projection; a lynchet.
linch n. (Rare, regional or obsolete) An acclivity; a small hill or hillock.
LINCH n. a terrace or ridge formed in prehistoric or medieval times by ploughing a hillside, also LINCHET, LYNCHET.
LINCHESlinches n. Plural of linch.
LINCH n. a terrace or ridge formed in prehistoric or medieval times by ploughing a hillside, also LINCHET, LYNCHET.
LINCHETlinchet n. Alternative form of lynchet.
LINCHET n. a terrace or ridge formed in prehistoric or medieval times by ploughing a hillside, also LINCH, LYNCHET.
LINCHETSlinchets n. Plural of linchet.
LINCHET n. a terrace or ridge formed in prehistoric or medieval times by ploughing a hillside, also LINCH, LYNCHET.
LINCHPINlinchpin n. A pin inserted through holes at the end of an axle or shaft, so as to secure a wheel or shaft-mounted device.
linchpin n. (Figuratively) A central cohesive source of stability and security; a person or thing that is critical…
linchpin v. (Transitive, intransitive) To adopt as, or serve as, a central cohesive source of stability and security.
LINCHPINSlinchpins n. Plural of linchpin.
linchpins v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of linchpin.
LINCHPIN n. a locking pin inserted in the end of a shaft, also LYNCHPIN.
LINCOMYCINlincomycin n. (Pharmacology) A lincosamide antibiotic derived from Streptomyces lincolnensis.
LINCOMYCIN n. an antibiotic used for streptococcal infections.
LINCOMYCINSlincomycins n. Plural of lincomycin.
LINCOMYCIN n. an antibiotic used for streptococcal infections.
LINCRUSTAlincrusta n. Alternative spelling of Lincrusta.
Lincrusta n. A wallcovering made from a paste of gelled linseed oil and woodflour spread on heavy canvas and embossed…
LINCRUSTA n. thick embossed wallpaper.
LINCRUSTASlincrustas n. Plural of lincrusta.
LINCRUSTA n. thick embossed wallpaper.
LINCTURElincture n. A linctus; medicine taken by licking with the tongue.
LINCTURE n. a medicated syrup for the throat, also LINCTUS.
LINCTURESlinctures n. Plural of lincture.
LINCTURE n. a medicated syrup for the throat, also LINCTUS.
LINCTUSlinctus n. (Medicine) Any syrupy medication; especially a remedy for coughs.
LINCTUS n. (Latin) a medicated syrup for the throat, also LINCTURE.
LINCTUSESlinctuses n. Plural of linctus.
LINCTUS n. (Latin) a medicated syrup for the throat, also LINCTURE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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