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There are 13 words beginning with LATR

LATRANTlatrant n. (Obsolete) One who complains constantly.
LATRANT adj. barking, snarling.
LATRATIONlatration n. (Obsolete) A barking.
LATRATION n. the act of yelping or barking.
LATRATIONSlatrations n. Plural of latration.
LATRATION n. the act of yelping or barking.
LATRIAlatria n. (Theology) the highest form of worship, named adoration, properly given to the triune God alone.
LATRIA n. (Greek) in Roman Catholicism, the veneration accorded to God alone.
LATRIASlatrias n. Plural of latria.
LATRIA n. (Greek) in Roman Catholicism, the veneration accorded to God alone.
LATRINElatrine n. An open trench or pit used for urination and defecation.
latrine n. (India, otherwise military) Any facility or device used for urination or defecation, whether toilet…
latrine n. (Obsolete) A chamber pot.
LATRINESlatrines n. Plural of latrine.
LATRINE n. a type of toilet.
LATROCINIALATROCINIUM n. (obsolete) highway robbery, also LATROCINY.
LATROCINIESlatrocinies n. Plural of latrociny.
LATROCINY n. (obsolete) highway robbery, also LATROCINIUM.
LATROCINIUMLatrocinium prop.n. (History, ecclesiastical, derogatory) The Second Council of Ephesus.
LATROCINIUM n. (obsolete) highway robbery, also LATROCINY.
LATROCINYlatrociny n. (Obsolete) Theft or robbery.
LATROCINY n. (obsolete) highway robbery, also LATROCINIUM.
LATRONlatron n. (Obsolete) A robber or brigand; one who plunders.
LATRON n. (obsolete) a robber, also LADRON, LADRONE.
LATRONSlatrons n. Plural of latron.
LATRON n. (obsolete) a robber, also LADRON, LADRONE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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