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There are 11 words beginning with LAGE

LAGENAlagena n. (Anatomy) The upper part of the cochlear duct.
lagena n. (Anatomy) A similar structure, shaped like a flask, that is a hearing organ in some vertebrates.
lagena n. (Historical) A wine-vase; an amphora.
LAGENASlagenas n. Plural of lagena.
LAGENA n. (Latin) a narrow-necked bottle.
LAGENDLAGEND n. goods thrown into the sea for future recovery, also LAGAN, LIGAN.
LAGENDSLAGEND n. goods thrown into the sea for future recovery, also LAGAN, LIGAN.
LAGENIFORMlageniform adj. Shaped like a flask.
LAGENIFORM adj. shaped like a flask.
LAGERlager n. A type of beer, brewed using a bottom-fermenting yeast.
lager v. To store (lager beer) at a low temperature for maturing and clarification.
lager n. Alternative spelling of laager.
LAGEREDlagered v. Simple past tense and past participle of lager.
LAGER v. to form a defensive encampment, also LAER, LAAGER.
LAGERINGlagering n. The stage in the manufacture of a lager beer when it is stored at a low temperature for maturing and clarification.
lagering v. Present participle of lager.
LAGER v. to form a defensive encampment, also LAER, LAAGER.
LAGERPHONElagerphone n. (Australia, music) A generally homemade percussion instrument consisting of crown cap beer bottle tops…
LAGERPHONE n. (Australian) a percussion instrument using the tops of beer bottles to make a jingling noise when struck or shaken.
LAGERPHONESlagerphones n. Plural of lagerphone.
LAGERPHONE n. (Australian) a percussion instrument using the tops of beer bottles to make a jingling noise when struck or shaken.
LAGERSlagers n. Plural of lager.
LAGER v. to form a defensive encampment, also LAER, LAAGER.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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