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List of 9-letter words beginning with

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There are 10 nine-letter words beginning with LOGO

LOGOGRAMSlogograms n. Plural of logogram.
LOGOGRAM n. a written symbol representing an entire spoken word without expressing its pronunciation, also LOGOGRAPH.
LOGOGRAPHlogograph n. A character or symbol that represents a word or phrase.
LOGOGRAPH n. a written symbol representing an entire spoken word without expressing its pronunciation, also LOGOGRAM.
LOGOGRIPHlogogriph n. A kind of puzzle where a series of verses give clues leading to a particular word.
LOGOGRIPH n. a riddle in which a word is found from other words' letters.
LOGOMACHSlogomachs n. Plural of logomach.
LOGOMACH n. one given to arguing about words.
LOGOMACHYlogomachy n. Dispute over the meaning of words.
logomachy n. A conflict waged only as a battle of words.
LOGOMACHY n. a dispute about words; controversy marked by verbiage.
LOGOPEDIClogopedic adj. Relating to logopedics.
LOGOPEDIC adj. relating to speech therapy, also LOGOPAEDIC.
LOGOPHILElogophile n. One who loves words; a word buff.
LOGOPHILE n. a person who loves words.
LOGORRHEAlogorrhea n. (Often humorous) Excessive talkativeness.
logorrhea n. (Often humorous) Excessive use of words in writing; prolixity.
logorrhea n. (Psychology) Excessive and often uncontrollable speaking due to a mental disorder.
LOGOTHETElogothete n. (Historical) Any of various state officials or functionaries in the Byzantine Empire.
LOGOTHETE n. (historical) a chancellor, esp. in the Byzantine emperor.
LOGOTYPESlogotypes n. Plural of logotype.
LOGOTYPE n. a piece of type representing a word or several letters cast in one piece.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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