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There are 12 eight-letter words beginning with LOCA

LOCALISElocalise v. (British spelling, transitive) alternative spelling of localize.
LOCALISE v. to confine or limit to a certain place, also LOCALIZE.
LOCALISMlocalism n. (Uncountable) Attachment to a particular local place; feelings or policies which emphasize local phenomena.
localism n. (Countable, uncountable, linguistics) A linguistic feature that is unique to a locality.
localism n. (Uncountable, linguistics) The belief that language functions are localized to various parts of the brain.
LOCALISTlocalist adj. Interested in, or concentrating on local events or matters; parochial or provincial.
localist n. A person with local attitudes or interests.
localist n. (Linguistics) One who subscribes to localism, the belief that language functions are localized to various…
LOCALITElocalite n. A person from a particular area; a local.
LOCALITE n. a resident of a locality.
LOCALITYlocality n. The fact or quality of having a position in space.
locality n. The features or surroundings of a particular place.
locality n. (Uncountable, mathematics, computing) The condition of being local.
LOCALIZElocalize v. (Transitive) To make local; to fix in, or assign to, a definite place.
localize v. (Software engineering, marketing) To adapt a product for use in a particular country or region, typically…
localize v. (Translation studies, chiefly software, marketing) To adapt translated text to fit a local culture; to domesticate.
LOCATERSlocaters n. Plural of locater.
LOCATER n. one who locates, or is entitled to locate, land or a mining claim, also LOCATOR.
LOCATINGlocating v. Present participle of locate.
LOCATE v. to find or pinpoint.
LOCATIONlocation n. A particular point or place in physical space.
location n. An act of locating.
location n. (South Africa) An apartheid-era urban area populated by non-white people; township.
LOCATIVElocative adj. (Grammar) Indicating place, or the place where, or wherein.
locative n. (Grammar) The locative case.
LOCATIVE n. a grammatical case signifying place where.
LOCATORSlocators n. Plural of locator.
LOCATOR n. one who locates, or is entitled to locate, land or a mining claim, also LOCATER.
LOCAVORElocavore n. One who tries to eat only locally grown foods.
LOCAVORE n. a person who will eat only food produced locally.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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