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There are 13 eight-letter words beginning with LAMP

LAMPASESlampases n. Plural of lampas.
LAMPAS n. inflammation of the roof of a horse's mouth, also LAMPASSE, LAMPERS.
LAMPASSElampasse n. A colored cloth stripe sewn along the outer seam of uniform trousers.
lampasse n. (Countable, uncountable) Alternative form of lampas (fabric).
lampasse n. (Uncountable) Alternative form of lampas (inflammation).
LAMPERNSlamperns n. Plural of lampern.
LAMPERN n. a primitive fishlike vertebrate, also LAMPER, LAMPREY.
LAMPHOLElamphole n. A vertical shaft down which a lamp may be lowered to inspect a sewer.
LAMPHOLE n. a shaft for lowering a lamp into a sewer.
LAMPINGSLampings prop.n. Plural of Lamping.
LAMPING n. the hunting of rabbits etc. by using bright lights to lure them out of their holes.
LAMPIONSlampions n. Plural of lampion.
LAMPION n. an oil lamp, often in a decorative coloured-glass pot.
LAMPLESSlampless adj. Without a lamp or lamps; unlit.
LAMPLESS adj. lacking a lamp.
LAMPOONSlampoons n. Plural of lampoon.
LAMPOON v. to ridicule by personal satire.
LAMPPOSTlamppost n. The pole that holds up a light so it can illuminate a wide area, such as holds up a streetlight.
lamppost n. (Informal, humorous) A tall, thin person.
lamp-post n. Alternative spelling of lamppost.
LAMPREYSlampreys n. Plural of lamprey.
LAMPREY n. a primitive fishlike vertebrate, also LAMPER, LAMPERN.
LAMPUKASLAMPUKA n. (Maltese) an edible Mediterranean fish, also LAMPUKI.
LAMPUKISLAMPUKI n. (Maltese) an edible Mediterranean fish, also LAMPUKA.
LAMPYRIDlampyrid n. (Zoology) Any member of the family Lampyridae; a firefly or lightning bug.
LAMPYRID n. a glowworm or firefly.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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