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There are 16 nine-letter words beginning with LIF

LIFEBELTSlifebelts n. Plural of lifebelt.
life␣belts n. Plural of life belt.
LIFEBELT n. a buoyant belt for use in water.
LIFEBLOODlifeblood n. Blood that is needed for continued life; blood regarded as the seat of life.
lifeblood n. (Figuratively) That which is required for continued existence or function.
LIFEBLOOD n. the blood necessary to life.
LIFEBOATSlifeboats n. Plural of lifeboat.
life␣boats n. Plural of life boat.
LIFEBOAT n. a small rescue boat.
LIFEBUOYSlifebuoys n. Plural of lifebuoy.
life-buoys n. Plural of life-buoy.
life␣buoys n. Plural of life buoy.
LIFECARESLIFECARE n. housing and health services for the elderly.
LIFEGUARDlifeguard n. (Uncommon) A bodyguard or unit of bodyguards, a guard of someone’s (especially a king’s) life or person.
lifeguard n. An attendant, usually an expert swimmer, employed to save swimmers in trouble or near drowning at a body of water.
lifeguard n. A lifesaver. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
LIFEHACKSlifehacks n. Plural of lifehack.
life␣hacks n. Plural of life hack.
LIFEHACK v. to live one's life in a way such as to simplify tasks and minimize effort.
LIFELINESlifelines n. Plural of lifeline.
life-lines n. Plural of life-line.
life␣lines n. Plural of life line.
LIFESAVERlifesaver n. Someone or something that saves lives.
lifesaver n. (Figuratively) Someone or something that is very useful or helpful.
life-saver n. Alternative spelling of lifesaver.
LIFESPANSlifespans n. Plural of lifespan.
life␣spans n. Plural of life span.
LIFESPAN n. the time from birth to death.
LIFESTYLElifestyle n. A style of living that reflects the attitudes and values of a person or group.
lifestyle n. (Marketing) The totality of the likes and dislikes of a particular section of the market, especially…
life-style n. Alternative spelling of lifestyle.
LIFETIMESlifetimes n. Plural of lifetime.
life-times n. Plural of life-time.
LIFETIME n. the period of living existence.
LIFEWORKSlifeworks n. Plural of lifework.
LIFEWORK n. the major work of one's lifetime.
LIFEWORLDlifeworld n. (Philosophy) The world "as lived" prior to reflective representation or analysis.
LIFEWORLD n. the way an individual experiences the world.
LIFTBACKSliftbacks n. Plural of liftback.
LIFTBACK n. a motorcar with a sloping rear door; a hatchback.
LIFTGATESliftgates n. Plural of liftgate.
LIFTGATE n. a rear panel on a station wagon that opens upward.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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