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There are 19 seven-letter words beginning with LAP

LAPDOGSlapdogs n. Plural of lapdog.
lap-dogs n. Plural of lap-dog.
lap␣dogs n. Plural of lap dog.
LAPELEDlapeled adj. Having lapels.
LAPELED adj. having lapels, also LAPELLED.
LAPFULSlapfuls n. Plural of lapful.
LAPFUL n. as much as a lap can hold.
LAPHELDlapheld adj. (Computing, dated, rare) Held on one’s lap; being a laptop computer.
lapheld n. (Computing, dated, rare) A laptop computer.
LAPHELD adj. pertaining to a small computer.
LAPIDESLAPIS n. (Latin) a stone, as in set phrases such as 'lapis philosophicus', philosopher's stone.
LAPILLIlapilli n. Plural of lapillus.
lapilli n. Plural of lapillo.
LAPILLUS n. (Latin) a small stone ejected by volcanic eruption.
LAPISESlapises n. (India mythology) plural of lapis.
LAPIS n. (Latin) a stone, as in set phrases such as 'lapis philosophicus', philosopher's stone.
LAPPELSlappels n. Plural of lappel.
LAPPEL n. an extension of the collar of a garment, also LAPEL.
LAPPERSlappers n. Plural of lapper.
lappers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of lapper.
Lappers prop.n. Plural of Lapper.
LAPPETSlappets n. Plural of lappet.
LAPPET n. a fold or flap on a garment or headdress worn by priest.
LAPPIESlappies n. Plural of lappy.
lappies n. Plural of lappie.
LAPPIE n. (South African) a rag or piece of cloth, also LAPJE.
LAPPINGlapping v. Present participle of lap.
lapping n. A kind of machine blanket or wrapping material used by calico printers.
lapping n. (Music, lutherie, bowmaking) Lengths of fine wire, silver, gold, silk or whalebone wrapped tightly around…
LAPSANGlapsang n. Lapsang Souchong, a black tea from the Chinese province of Fujian.
LAPSANG n. (Chinese) a variety of souchong tea with a smoky flavour.
LAPSERSlapsers n. Plural of lapser.
LAPSER n. one who lapses.
LAPSINGlapsing v. Present participle of lapse.
lapsing n. The act or process by which something lapses.
LAPSE v. to pass into disuse.
LAPTOPSlaptops n. Plural of laptop.
LAPTOP n. a small computer used in the lap.
LAPTRAYLAPTRAY n. a tray with a cushion, made to sit on one's lap and hold a book, meal etc.
LAPWINGlapwing n. Any of several medium-sized wading birds belonging to the subfamily Vanellinae, within family Charadriidae.
lapwing n. A silly man.
LAPWING n. a bird of the plover family with crested head.
LAPWORKlapwork n. Work in which one part overlaps another.
LAPWORK n. work in which one part laps over another.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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