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There are 11 six-letter words beginning with LIE

LIEDERlieder n. Plural of lied.
Lieder prop.n. A surname from German.
LIED n. (German) a German song.
LIEFERliefer adj. Comparative form of lief: more lief.
liefer adv. Comparative form of lief: more lief.
liefer adv. Preferentially, rather.
LIEFLYliefly adv. (Archaic) willingly; gladly.
LIEF adv. (archaic) soon, gladly, also LEVE, LIEVE.
LIEGERlieger n. (Obsolete) A resident ambassador.
LIEGER n. (obsolete) an ambassador, also LEDGER, LEIDGER, LEIGER, LIDGER.
LIEGESlieges n. Plural of liege.
LIEGE n. (historical) a person under a feudal tenure; a vassal or feudal lord.
LIENALlienal adj. (Anatomy) Of or pertaining to the spleen.
LIENAL adj. pertaining to the spleen.
LIENEElienee n. (Law) One who has right of possession of goods but not right of property; the registered owner.
LIENEE n. in law, a party against whom a lien has been placed.
LIENORlienor n. (Law) A lienholder.
lienor n. (Law, Australia) A lienee.
LIENOR n. a party who holds a lien on a property.
LIERNElierne n. (Architecture) A cross-shaped rib of an ogival vault.
LIERNE n. (French) a cross-rib or branch-rib in vaulting.
LIEVERliever adj. Alternative spelling of liefer; comparative form of lief: more lief.
liever adv. Alternative spelling of liefer; comparative form of lief: more lief.
LIEVE adv. (archaic) beloved, dear, also LEVE, LIEF.
LIEVESLIEVE n. a beloved.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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