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There are 9 four-letter words beginning with LIN

LINDlind n. (Obsolete) the lime tree, or linden tree.
Lind prop.n. A surname.
LIND n. a lime-tree, also LINDEN.
LINEline n. A path through two or more points (compare ‘segment’); a continuous mark, including as made by a pen;…
line n. A rope, cord, string, or thread, of any thickness.
line n. A hose or pipe, of any size.
LINGling n. Any of various marine food fish, of the genus Molva, resembling the cod.
ling n. A common ling (Molva molva).
ling n. Any of various varieties of heather or broom.
LINKlink n. A connection between places, people, events, things, or ideas.
link n. One element of a chain or other connected series.
link n. Abbreviation of hyperlink.
LINNlinn n. (Scotland, Northern England) A pool of water, especially one below a waterfall.
linn n. (UK dialectal, especially Scotland, Northern England) A waterfall or cataract, or a ravine down which…
Linn prop.n. A surname.
LINOlino n. (Australia, New Zealand, UK, colloquial, informal) Clipping of linoleum.
lino n. (UK, colloquial, informal, soccer) Abbreviation of linesman.
LINO n. (short for) linoleum.
LINSlins n. Plural of lin.
LIN v. to cease.
LINTlint n. Clinging fuzzy fluff that clings to fabric or accumulates in one’s pockets or navel etc.
lint n. A fine material made by scraping cotton or linen cloth; used for dressing wounds.
lint n. The fibrous coat of thick hairs covering the seeds of the cotton plant.
LINYLINY adj. resembling a line, also LINEY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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