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There are 15 words beginning with KOOK

KOOKkook n. (Slang, chiefly US) An eccentric, strange or crazy person.
kook n. (Surfing, kiteboarding, wakeboarding) A boardsport participant who lacks style or skill; a newbie who…
KOOK v. to dart in and out of sight.
KOOKABURRAkookaburra n. Any of several species of kingfishers in the genus Dacelo.
KOOKABURRA n. (Native Australian) a large Australian kingfisher, with a call sounds like a raucous laugh, also GOBURRA.
KOOKABURRASkookaburras n. Plural of kookaburra.
KOOKABURRA n. (Native Australian) a large Australian kingfisher, with a call sounds like a raucous laugh, also GOBURRA.
KOOKEDKOOK v. to dart in and out of sight.
KOOKIEkookie n. (Australian slang) kookaburra (Dacelo novaeguineae).
kookie adj. Alternative form of kooky.
KOOKIE adj. with the qualities of a kook, also KOOKY.
KOOKIERkookier adj. Comparative form of kooky: more kooky.
KOOKY adj. eccentric.
KOOKIESTkookiest adj. Superlative form of kooky: most kooky.
KOOKY adj. eccentric.
KOOKILYkookily adv. In a kooky way.
KOOKY adv. eccentric.
KOOKINESSkookiness n. The state of being kooky.
KOOKINESS n. the state of being kooky.
KOOKINESSESkookinesses n. Plural of kookiness.
KOOKINESS n. the state of being kooky.
KOOKINGKOOK v. to dart in and out of sight.
KOOKSkooks n. Plural of kook.
KOOK v. to dart in and out of sight.
KOOKUMkookum n. Grandmother (among the Cree people).
KOOKUM n. (Marathi) an East Indian tree, also KOKAM, KOKUM.
KOOKUMSkookums n. Plural of kookum.
KOOKUM n. (Marathi) an East Indian tree, also KOKAM, KOKUM.
KOOKYkooky adj. (Slang) Eccentric, strange, or foolish; crazy or insane; kookish.
kooky adj. (Surfing) Behaving like a kook (a person with poor style or skill); kook-like.
KOOKY adj. eccentric.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 31 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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