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There are 17 words beginning with KIPP

KIPPKipp prop.n. A surname.
KIPP n. (Scots) anything beaked; a pointed hill.
KIPPAkippa n. Alternative spelling of kippah.
KIPPA n. (Hebrew) a religious skullcap, aka yarmulka, also KIPPAH.
KIPPSKipps prop.n. Plural of Kipp.
KIPP n. (Scots) anything beaked; a pointed hill.
KIPPAHkippah n. The cloth skullcap or yarmulke traditionally worn by male Jews.
KIPPAH n. (Hebrew) a religious skullcap, aka yarmulka, also KIPPA.
KIPPASkippas n. Plural of kippa.
KIPPA n. (Hebrew) a religious skullcap, aka yarmulka, also KIPPAH.
KIPPEDkipped v. Simple past tense and past participle of kip.
KIP v. to sleep.
KIPPENkippen n. (Dialectal) A piece of small firewood or kindling; dibber.
KEP v. (Scots) to catch.
KIPPERkipper n. A split, salted and smoked herring or salmon.
kipper n. A male salmon after spawning.
kipper n. (Military, RAF World War II code name) A patrol to protect fishing boats in the Irish and North Seas…
KIPPAGEkippage n. (Chiefly Scotland, now rare, historical) Those sailing together on a ship, both crew and passengers.
kippage n. (Scotland, obsolete) Confusion, disorder.
kippage n. (Scotland, obsolete) A fit of temper; rage.
KIPPAHSkippahs n. Plural of kippah.
KIPPAH n. (Hebrew) a religious skullcap, aka yarmulka, also KIPPA.
KIPPERSkippers n. Plural of kipper.
Kippers prop.n. Plural of Kipper.
KIPPER v. to cure fish by salting and smoking.
KIPPINGkipping v. Present participle of kip.
Kipping prop.n. A surname.
KIP v. to sleep.
KIPPAGESkippages n. Plural of kippage.
KIPPAGE n. (Scots) a state of displeasure or anger.
KIPPEREDkippered v. Simple past tense and past participle of kipper.
kippered adj. Stiff and lacking vitality; stale.
kippered adj. Worn out; tired.
KIPPERERkipperer n. One who kippers fish.
KIPPERER n. one who cures kippers.
KIPPERERSkipperers n. Plural of kipperer.
KIPPERER n. one who cures kippers.
KIPPERINGkippering v. Present participle of kipper.
kippering n. The trait of walking on the front legs while dragging the hind legs (applied to a dog).
kippering n. The development of an acquired hypospadias, usually as a result of long use of a catheter.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 40 words
  • Scrabble in French: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 2 words
  • Scrabble in German: 50 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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