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There are 11 words beginning with KILT

KILTkilt v. To gather up (skirts) around the body.
kilt n. A traditional Scottish garment, usually worn by men, having roughly the same morphology as a wrap-around…
kilt n. (Historical) Any Scottish garment from which the above lies in a direct line of descent, such as the…
KILTEDkilted adj. Having on a kilt.
kilted adj. Plaited after the manner of kilting.
kilted adj. Tucked or fastened up; said of petticoats, etc.
KILTERkilter n. (Chiefly in the negative) Chiefly in out of kilter: (good) condition, form, or order; fettle.
kilter n. (Card games, chiefly poker) A hand of playing cards which is useless.
KILTER n. good condition, also KELTER.
KILTERSkilters n. Plural of kilter.
KILTER n. good condition, also KELTER.
KILTIEkiltie n. A shoe having a fringed tongue or fringed extra piece that lies over the tongue.
kiltie n. The fringed tongue of such a shoe.
kiltie n. A person who wears a kilt.
KILTIESkilties n. Plural of kiltie.
KILTY n. one who wears a kilt (a type of skirt), also KILTIE.
KILTINGkilting v. Present participle of kilt.
kilting n. A method of vertically arranging flat plaits such that each plait is folded so as to cover half the…
KILTING n. an arrangement of kilt pleats.
KILTINGSkiltings n. Plural of kilting.
KILTING n. an arrangement of kilt pleats.
KILTLIKEkiltlike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a kilt.
KILTLIKE adj. like a kilt.
KILTSkilts n. Plural of kilt.
Kilts prop.n. A surname from German.
KILT v. to tuck up like a kilt.
KILTYKILTY n. one who wears a kilt (a type of skirt), also KILTIE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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