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There are 20 words beginning with KIBB

KIBBEkibbe n. Alternative spelling of kibbeh.
Kibbe prop.n. A surname.
KIBBE n. (Arabic) an Eastern dish of ground lamb and crushed wheat, also KIBBEH, KIBBI.
KIBBIkibbi n. Alternative spelling of kibbeh.
KIBBI n. (Arabic) an Eastern dish of ground lamb and crushed wheat, also KIBBE, KIBBEH.
KIBBEHkibbeh n. A form of dumpling, from the Levant, made of spiced lamb and bulgur wheat.
KIBBEH n. (Arabic) an Eastern dish of ground lamb and crushed wheat, also KIBBE, KIBBI.
KIBBESkibbes n. Plural of kibbe.
Kibbes prop.n. Plural of Kibbe.
KIBBE n. (Arabic) an Eastern dish of ground lamb and crushed wheat, also KIBBEH, KIBBI.
KIBBISkibbis n. Plural of kibbi.
KIBBI n. (Arabic) an Eastern dish of ground lamb and crushed wheat, also KIBBE, KIBBEH.
KIBBLEkibble v. To grind coarsely.
kibble n. Something that has been kibbled, especially grain for use as animal feed.
kibble n. Any artificial animal feed in pellet form.
KIBBEHSkibbehs n. Plural of kibbeh.
KIBBEH n. (Arabic) an Eastern dish of ground lamb and crushed wheat, also KIBBE, KIBBI.
KIBBITZkibbitz v. Alternative spelling of kibitz.
KIBBITZ v. (Yiddish) to give unwelcome advice, also KIBITZ.
KIBBLEDkibbled v. Simple past tense and past participle of kibble.
KIBBLE v. to grind coarsely.
KIBBLESkibbles n. Plural of kibble.
kibbles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of kibble.
Kibbles prop.n. Plural of Kibble.
KIBBUTZkibbutz n. A community, usually an agricultural one in Israel, based on a high level of social and economical sharing…
KIBBUTZ n. (Hebrew) a collective farm in Israel.
KIBBLINGkibbling v. Present participle of kibble.
KIBBLE v. to grind coarsely.
KIBBITZEDkibbitzed v. Simple past tense and past participle of kibbitz.
KIBBITZ v. (Yiddish) to give unwelcome advice, also KIBITZ.
KIBBITZERkibbitzer n. Alternative form of kibitzer.
KIBBITZER n. (Yiddish) one who offers unwanted advice, also KIBITZER.
KIBBITZESkibbitzes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of kibbitz.
KIBBITZ v. (Yiddish) to give unwelcome advice, also KIBITZ.
KIBBUTZIMkibbutzim n. Plural of kibbutz.
KIBBUTZ n. (Hebrew) a collective farm in Israel.
KIBBITZERSkibbitzers n. Plural of kibbitzer.
KIBBITZER n. (Yiddish) one who offers unwanted advice, also KIBITZER.
KIBBITZINGkibbitzing v. Present participle of kibbitz.
KIBBITZ v. (Yiddish) to give unwelcome advice, also KIBITZ.
KIBBUTZNIKkibbutznik n. A member of a kibbutz.
KIBBUTZNIK n. (Hebrew) a person who lives or works on a kibbutz.
KIBBUTZNIKSkibbutzniks n. Plural of kibbutznik.
KIBBUTZNIK n. (Hebrew) a person who lives or works on a kibbutz.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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