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There are 4 words beginning with KHAMKHAMSEEN | • khamseen n. Alternative spelling of khamsin. • KHAMSEEN n. (Arabic) the sirocco in Egypt, a hot southerly wind that usually blows from about March to May, also KAMSEEN, KAMSIN, KHAMSIN. | KHAMSEENS | • khamseens n. Plural of khamseen. • KHAMSEEN n. (Arabic) the sirocco in Egypt, a hot southerly wind that usually blows from about March to May, also KAMSEEN, KAMSIN, KHAMSIN. | KHAMSIN | • khamsin n. A hot, dry wind, common in Egypt, Sudan and the Levant towards the end of March and April, which blows… • KHAMSIN n. (Arabic) the sirocco in Egypt, a hot southerly wind that usually blows from about March to May, also KAMSEEN, KAMSIN, KHAMSEEN. | KHAMSINS | • khamsins n. Plural of khamsin. • KHAMSIN n. (Arabic) the sirocco in Egypt, a hot southerly wind that usually blows from about March to May, also KAMSEEN, KAMSIN, KHAMSEEN. |
Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America. Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.
See this list for:- English Wiktionary: 19 words
- Scrabble in French: 5 words
- Scrabble in Spanish: no word
- Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
- Scrabble in German: no word
- Scrabble in Romanian: no word
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