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There are 8 words beginning with KAV

KAVAkava n. A plant from the South Pacific, Piper methysticum.
kava n. An intoxicating beverage made from the kava plant.
Kava prop.n. A surname.
KAVAKAVAkavakava n. Synonym of kava (the plant).
KAVAKAVA n. (Tongan) an aromatic plant of the pepper family; a narcotic drink prepared from its root and stem, also AVA, KAVA.
KAVAKAVASKAVAKAVA n. (Tongan) an aromatic plant of the pepper family; a narcotic drink prepared from its root and stem, also AVA, KAVA.
KAVALkaval n. (Music) A chromatic end-blown flute of Asia and eastern Europe.
KAVAL n. a kind of flute, played esp. in the Balkans.
KAVALSkavals n. Plural of kaval.
KAVAL n. a kind of flute, played esp. in the Balkans.
KAVASkavas n. Plural of kava.
KAVA n. (Tongan) a tropical shrub, also AVA, KAVAKAVA.
KAVASSkavass n. A Turkish armed policeman or courier.
KAVASS n. (Turkish) an armed attendant in Turkey, also CAVASS.
KAVASSESkavasses n. Plural of kavass.
KAVASS n. (Turkish) an armed attendant in Turkey, also CAVASS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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