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There are 18 words beginning with KAF

KAFkaf n. The twenty-second letter of the Arabic alphabet. ك.
kaf n. Alternative spelling of kaph.
KAF n. (Hebrew) the eleventh letter of the Hebrew alphabet, also CAPH, KAPH, KHAF, KHAPH.
KAFFEEKLATSCHkaffeeklatsch n. A coffee klatch.
KAFFEEKLATSCH n. (German) an informal social gathering for coffee and talk, also KLATCH, KLATSCH.
KAFFEEKLATSCHESkaffeeklatsches n. Plural of kaffeeklatsch.
KAFFEEKLATSCH n. (German) an informal social gathering for coffee and talk, also KLATCH, KLATSCH.
KAFFIRkaffir n. (Countable, offensive) In Islamic contexts, a non-Muslim.
kaffir n. (Countable, offensive) A member of the Nguni people of southern Africa, especially a Xhosa.
kaffir n. (Countable, South Africa, Rhodesia, ethnic slur, offensive, derogatory) A black person.
KAFFIRSkaffirs n. Plural of kaffir.
Kaffirs n. Plural of Kaffir.
KAFFIYAHkaffiyah n. Alternative form of keffiyeh.
KAFFIYAH n. (Arabic) an Arab headdress, also KAFFIYEH, KEFFIYAH, KEFFIYEH, KUFIYAH.
KAFFIYAHSkaffiyahs n. Plural of kaffiyah.
KAFFIYAH n. (Arabic) an Arab headdress, also KAFFIYEH, KEFFIYAH, KEFFIYEH, KUFIYAH.
KAFFIYEHkaffiyeh n. Alternative spelling of keffiyeh.
KAFFIYEH n. (Arabic) an Arab headdress, also KAFFIYAH, KEFFIYAH, KEFFIYEH, KUFIYAH.
KAFFIYEHSkaffiyehs n. Plural of kaffiyeh.
KAFFIYEH n. (Arabic) an Arab headdress, also KAFFIYAH, KEFFIYAH, KEFFIYEH, KUFIYAH.
KAFILAkafila n. Alternative form of cafila.
KAFILA n. (Arabic) a caravan, also CAFILA, CAFFILA.
KAFILASkafilas n. Plural of kafila.
KAFILA n. (Arabic) a caravan, also CAFILA, CAFFILA.
KAFIRkafir n. (Islam, countable) A disbeliever, a denier: someone who rejects or disbelieves in God as per Islam (Arabic…
kafir n. (Uncountable) Short for kafir corn.
Kafir prop.n. (Obsolete) The Nuristani language family.
KAFIRSkafirs n. Plural of kafir.
KAFSkafs n. Plural of kaf.
KAF n. (Hebrew) the eleventh letter of the Hebrew alphabet, also CAPH, KAPH, KHAF, KHAPH.
KAFTANkaftan n. A long tunic worn in the Eastern Mediterranean.
kaftan n. A long dress or shirt similar in style to those worn in the Eastern Mediterranean.
KAFTAN n. (Turkish) a kind of tunic, also CAFTAN.
KAFTANSkaftans n. Plural of kaftan.
KAFTAN n. (Turkish) a kind of tunic, also CAFTAN.
KAFUFFLEkafuffle n. Alternative spelling of kerfuffle.
KAFUFFLE n. a commotion, also CUFFUFFLE.
KAFUFFLESkafuffles n. Plural of kafuffle.
KAFUFFLE n. a commotion, also CUFFUFFLE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 126 words
  • Scrabble in French: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 8 words
  • Scrabble in German: 44 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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