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There are 14 six-letter words beginning with KIT

KITBAGkitbag n. (Military, UK) A large cylindrical holdall.
kit␣bag n. Alternative spelling of kitbag.
KITBAG n. a bag for holding kit.
KITERSkiters n. Plural of kiter.
KITER n. one that kites, obtains money fraudulently.
KITHEDkithed v. Simple past tense and past participle of kithe.
KITHE v. to make known, also KYTHE.
KITHESkithes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of kithe.
KITHE v. to make known, also KYTHE.
KITINGkiting v. Present participle of kite.
kiting n. (Banking) The act of writing a check on an account with insufficient funds, expecting that funds will…
kiting n. (Slang) The act of tampering with a medical prescription, increasing the number of pills or other item.
KITSCHkitsch n. Art, decorative objects, and other forms of representation of questionable artistic or aesthetic value;…
kitsch adj. Of art and decor: of questionable aesthetic value; excessively sentimental, overdone or vulgar.
KITSCH n. (German) faddish art or literature.
KITSETkitset n. (New Zealand) A kit; a set of components to be assembled into a structure.
KITSET n. in New Zealand, a self-assembly furniture kit.
KITTEDkitted v. Simple past tense and past participle of kit.
KIT v. to equip, fit out.
KITTELkittel n. A white linen or cotton robe worn by religious Ashkenazi Jews on holidays, in the synagogue, or at home…
Kittel prop.n. A surname.
KITTEL n. (Yiddish) a white robe used in Jewish ceremonies.
KITTENkitten n. A young cat, especially before sexual maturity (reached at about seven months).
kitten n. A young rabbit, rat, hedgehog, squirrel, fox, beaver, badger, etc.
kitten n. A moth of the genus Furcula.
KITTLEkittle v. (Transitive, Scotland and Northern England) To tickle, to touch lightly.
kittle adj. (Scotland and Northern England) Ticklish.
kittle adj. (Scotland and Northern England) Not easily managed.
KITTLYKITTLY adj. (Scots) ticklish, delicate.
KITTULkittul n. A palm, Caryota urens, native to the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia that yields a sap from which…
kittul n. (Uncountable) A fiber obtained from the leaves of the palm.
KITTUL n. (Sinhalese) the jaggery palm; a fibre obtained from the leafstalks of this, used for making ropes, brushes, etc., also KITUL.
KITULSKITUL n. (Sinhalese) the jaggery palm; a fibre obtained from the leafstalks of this, used for making ropes, brushes, etc., also KITTUL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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