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There are 13 words beginning with JUVEN

JUVENALjuvenal adj. Of a young bird, that has its first flying plumage.
juvenal n. A juvenal bird.
juvenal n. (Obsolete) A youth.
JUVENALSjuvenals n. Plural of juvenal.
JUVENAL n. a young bird.
JUVENILEjuvenile adj. Young; not fully developed.
juvenile adj. Characteristic of youth or immaturity; childish.
juvenile n. A prepubescent child.
JUVENILESjuveniles n. Plural of juvenile.
JUVENILE n. a young person.
JUVENILIAjuvenilia n. (Literature, plural only) Works produced during an artist’s or author’s youth.
JUVENILIA n. (Latin) works of one's youth; early works of an artist or author.
JUVENILELYjuvenilely adv. In a juvenile manner.
JUVENILE adv. young, not adult.
JUVENILITYjuvenility n. The state or quality of being juvenile.
juvenility n. Juvenile behaviour, writing, etc.
JUVENILITY n. youthfulness; adolescence.
JUVENESCENTjuvenescent adj. Becoming juvenile or young.
JUVENESCENT adj. becoming youthful.
JUVENESCENCEjuvenescence n. The state of becoming young or juvenile.
JUVENESCENCE n. the state of growing young.
JUVENILENESSjuvenileness n. Juvenility.
JUVENILENESS n. the state of being juvenile.
JUVENILITIESjuvenilities n. Plural of juvenility.
JUVENILITY n. youthfulness; adolescence.
JUVENESCENCESJUVENESCENCE n. the state of growing young.
JUVENILENESSESJUVENILENESS n. the state of being juvenile.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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