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There are 11 words beginning with JINGL

JINGLEjingle n. The sound of metal or glass clattering against itself.
jingle n. (Music) A small piece of metal attached to a musical instrument, such as a tambourine, so as to make…
jingle n. (Broadcasting, advertising) A memorable short song, or in some cases a snippet of a popular song with…
JINGLEDjingled v. Simple past tense and past participle of jingle.
JINGLE v. to make a tinkling sound.
JINGLERjingler n. One who, or that which, jingles.
JINGLER n. one who, or that which, jingles.
JINGLERSjinglers n. Plural of jingler.
JINGLER n. one who, or that which, jingles.
JINGLESjingles n. Plural of jingle.
jingles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of jingle.
JINGLE v. to make a tinkling sound.
JINGLETjinglet n. A little song or jingle.
jinglet n. A ball serving as the clapper of a sleigh-bell.
JINGLET n. a clapper on a sleigh-bell.
JINGLETSjinglets n. Plural of jinglet.
JINGLET n. a clapper on a sleigh-bell.
JINGLIERjinglier adj. Comparative form of jingly: more jingly.
JINGLY adj. jingling.
JINGLIESTjingliest adj. Superlative form of jingly: most jingly.
JINGLY adj. jingling.
JINGLINGjingling n. The sound made by something that jingles.
jingling n. An old parlour game in which blindfolded players within a ring attempted to catch another player to…
jingling v. Present participle of jingle.
JINGLYjingly adj. That jingles, having a jingling sound.
JINGLY adj. jingling.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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