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There are 13 seven-letter words beginning with JAN

JANGLEDjangled v. Simple past tense and past participle of jangle.
JANGLE v. to make a harsh metallic sound.
JANGLERjangler n. Someone who, or something that jangles.
jangler n. A chatterer.
jangler n. Someone who argues noisily.
JANGLESjangles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of jangle.
JANGLE v. to make a harsh metallic sound.
JANITORjanitor n. (Chiefly US) Someone who looks after the maintenance and cleaning of a public building.
janitor n. A doorman.
janitor n. (Internet slang, 4chan, sometimes derogatory) A moderator for a discussion forum.
JANIZARjanizar n. Alternative form of janissary.
JANIZAR n. (Turkish) a soldier of the old Turkish footguards, also JANISARY, JANISSARY, JANIZARY.
JANKERSjankers n. (Britain military slang) A form of military punishment which involves being confined to barracks, performing…
jankers n. (Britain military slang) Defaulters’ drill.
jankers n. Plural of janker.
JANNEYSjanneys n. Plural of janney.
Janneys prop.n. Plural of Janney.
JANNEY v. to act as a disguised merrymaker at Christmas, also JANNY.
JANNIEDJANNY v. to act as a disguised merrymaker at Christmas, also JANNEY.
JANNIESjannies n. Plural of janny.
JANNY v. to act as a disguised merrymaker at Christmas, also JANNEY.
JANNOCKjannock adj. (Northern England) Pleasant, outspoken, honest, genuine, straightforward, or generous.
jannock n. (Northern England) A small oatmeal loaf.
JANNOCK adj. straightforward, honest, also JONNOCK.
JANSKYSjanskys n. Plural of jansky.
Janskys prop.n. Plural of Jansky.
JANSKY n. the unit of strength of radio wave emission.
JANTIERJANTY adj. briskly self-assured, also JAUNTY, JANTEE, JAUNTEE.
JANTIESJANTY n. a naval master-at-arms, also JONTY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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