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There are 8 six-letter words beginning with JET

JETLAGjetlag n. (Aviation) Alternative spelling of jet lag.
jet␣lag n. (Aviation) A physical condition caused by crossing time zones during flight; often the result of disruption…
JETLAG n. the disruption of body rhythms after a flight through several time zones.
JETONSjetons n. Plural of jeton.
JETON n. (French) a piece of metal used as a counter, also JETTON.
JETSAMjetsam n. Articles thrown overboard from a ship or boat in order to lighten the load of a ship in distress.
jetsam n. (By extension) Discarded odds and ends.
JETSAM n. stuff thrown overboard to lighten the load in time of distress which sinks or is washed ashore, also JETSOM, JETSON.
JETSOMjetsom n. Alternative form of jetsam.
JETSOM n. (archaic) jetsam, also JETSON.
JETSONjetson n. Jetsam.
JETSON n. (archaic) jetsam, also JETSOM.
JETTEDjetted v. Simple past tense and past participle of jet.
JET v. to spurt forth in a stream.
JETTONjetton n. A metal counter used in card games.
Jetton prop.n. A surname.
JETTON n. (French) a piece of metal used as a counter, also JETON.
JETWAYjetway n. (US) Synonym of jet bridge: an elevated corridor connecting an airport to a plane.
JETWAY n. a telescoping corridor that extends from an airport terminal to an aircraft.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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