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There are 9 words beginning with INVENTOR

INVENTORinventor n. One who invents, either as a hobby or as an occupation.
INVENTOR n. one who invents, also INVENTER.
INVENTORIABLEinventoriable adj. Able to be held in an inventory.
inventoriable adj. (Accounting) Of costs: being those directly associated with the manufacture of products to be sold.
INVENTORIABLE adj. subject to inventory.
INVENTORIALinventorial adj. Of or pertaining to an inventory.
INVENTORIAL adj. relating to inventory.
INVENTORIALLYinventorially adv. In terms of an inventory.
INVENTORIAL adv. relating to inventory.
INVENTORIEDinventoried v. Simple past tense and past participle of inventory.
INVENTORY v. to make an inventory, a list of goods.
INVENTORIESinventories n. Plural of inventory.
inventories v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of inventory.
INVENTORY v. to make an inventory, a list of goods.
INVENTORSinventors n. Plural of inventor.
INVENTOR n. one who invents, also INVENTER.
INVENTORYinventory n. (Operations) The stock of an item on hand at a particular location or business.
inventory n. (Operations) A detailed list of all of the items on hand.
inventory n. (Operations) The process of producing or updating such a list.
INVENTORYINGinventorying v. Present participle of inventory.
INVENTORY v. to make an inventory, a list of goods.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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