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There are 11 words beginning with INSINUA

INSINUATEinsinuate v. To hint; to suggest tacitly (usually something bad) while avoiding a direct statement.
insinuate v. (Rare) To creep, wind, or flow into; to enter gently, slowly, or imperceptibly, as into crevices.
insinuate v. (Figurative, by extension) To ingratiate; to obtain access to or introduce something by subtle, cunning…
INSINUATEDinsinuated v. Simple past tense and past participle of insinuate.
INSINUATE v. to hint or indirectly suggest.
INSINUATESinsinuates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of insinuate.
INSINUATE v. to hint or indirectly suggest.
INSINUATINGinsinuating v. Present participle of insinuate.
INSINUATE v. to hint or indirectly suggest.
INSINUATINGLYinsinuatingly adv. In an insinuating way.
INSINUATING adv. INSINUATE, to hint or indirectly suggest.
INSINUATIONinsinuation n. The act or process of insinuating; a creeping, winding, or flowing in.
insinuation n. The act of gaining favor, affection, or influence, by gentle or artful means; — formerly used in a good…
insinuation n. The art or power of gaining good will by a prepossessing manner.
INSINUATIONSinsinuations n. Plural of insinuation.
INSINUATION n. the act of insinuating.
INSINUATIVEinsinuative adj. Tending to insinuate; insinuating.
INSINUATIVE adj. serving to insinuate.
INSINUATORinsinuator n. One who insinuates.
INSINUATOR n. one who, or that which, insinuates.
INSINUATORSinsinuators n. Plural of insinuator.
INSINUATOR n. one who, or that which, insinuates.
INSINUATORYinsinuatory adj. Insinuative.
INSINUATORY adj. tending to insinuate, insinuative.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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