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There are 5 words beginning with IMPRESA

IMPRESAimpresa n. (Heraldry) A device on a shield or seal, or used as a bookplate etc.
IMPRESA n. (Italian) an emblem with a motto, also IMPRESE, IMPRESSE.
IMPRESASimpresas n. Plural of impresa.
IMPRESA n. (Italian) an emblem with a motto, also IMPRESE, IMPRESSE.
IMPRESARIimpresari n. Plural of impresario.
IMPRESARIO n. an organizer, promoter, or manager of public entertainments, such as a ballet, opera, concert, or theater company.
IMPRESARIOimpresario n. A manager or producer in the entertainment industry, especially music or theatre.
IMPRESARIO n. an organizer, promoter, or manager of public entertainments, such as a ballet, opera, concert, or theater company.
IMPRESARIOSimpresarios n. Plural of impresario.
IMPRESARIO n. an organizer, promoter, or manager of public entertainments, such as a ballet, opera, concert, or theater company.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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