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There are 19 words beginning with INTERE

INTERELECTRODEinterelectrode adj. Between electrodes.
INTERELECTRODE adj. between electrodes.
INTERELECTRONinterelectron adj. Between electrons.
INTERELECTRON adj. operating between electrons.
INTERELECTRONICinterelectronic adj. Between electrons; interelectron.
INTERELECTRONIC adj. operating between electrons.
INTEREPIDEMICinterepidemic adj. Between epidemics.
INTEREPIDEMIC adj. between epidemics.
INTERESSinteress v. (Transitive, obsolete) interest.
INTERESS v. (obsolete) to interest, also INTERESSE.
INTERESSEINTERESSE n. (obsolete) an interest.
INTERESSE v. to interest, also INTERESS.
INTERESSEDinteressed v. Simple past tense and past participle of interess.
interessed v. Misspelling of interested.
INTERESS v. (obsolete) to interest, also INTERESSE.
INTERESSESinteresses v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of interess.
INTERESS v. (obsolete) to interest, also INTERESSE.
INTERESSINGinteressing v. Present participle of interess.
INTERESS v. (obsolete) to interest, also INTERESSE.
INTERESTinterest n. (Uncountable, finance) The price paid for obtaining, or price received for providing, money or goods…
interest n. (Uncountable, finance) Any excess over and above an exact equivalent.
interest n. (Uncountable) A great attention and concern from someone or something; intellectual curiosity.
INTERESTEDinterested adj. Having or showing interest (attention or curiosity).
interested adj. (Less common) Having an interest (stake); being a stakeholder; motivated by considerations of self-interest;…
interested v. Simple past tense and past participle of interest.
INTERESTEDLYinterestedly adv. In an interested manner; with interest.
INTERESTED adv. INTEREST, to engage the attention of.
INTERESTEDNESSinterestedness n. The state or quality of being interested, or having an interest; selfishness.
INTERESTEDNESS n. the state of being interested.
INTERESTINGinteresting adj. (Obsolete) Of concern; affecting, important.
interesting adj. Arousing or holding the attention or interest of someone.
interesting adj. (Euphemistic) Pregnant.
INTERESTINGLYinterestingly adv. In an interesting way.
INTERESTING adv. INTEREST, to engage the attention of.
INTERESTINGNESSinterestingness n. The state or quality of being interesting.
INTERESTINGNESS n. the state of being interesting.
INTERESTSinterests n. Plural of interest.
interests n. The persons interested in any particular business or cause, taken collectively.
interests v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of interest.
INTERETHNICinterethnic adj. Between ethnic groups, or their members.
inter-ethnic adj. Alternative form of interethnic.
INTERETHNIC adj. taking place between ethnic groups.
INTERETHNICSSorry, definition not available.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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