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There are 18 fourteen-letter words beginning with INTERC

INTERCALATIONSintercalations n. Plural of intercalation.
INTERCALATION n. an insertion or interposing, as of a word between other words in a sentence.
INTERCESSIONALintercessional adj. Relating to, or characterised by, intercession or entreaty.
INTERCESSIONAL adj. relating to intercession.
INTERCESSORIALintercessorial adj. Intercessory.
INTERCLAVICLESinterclavicles n. Plural of interclavicle.
INTERCLAVICLE n. a membrane bone between and beneath the clavicles, present in some fossil amphibians, all reptiles except snakes, and monotremes.
INTERCOMMUNINGintercommuning v. Present participle of intercommune.
INTERCOMMUNE v. to commune mutually or together.
INTERCOMMUNIONintercommunion n. Communion (association) between people or groups.
intercommunion n. The participation, together, in Holy Communion of people from different denominations.
intercommunion n. In Roman Catholicism, the theological principle which governs whether it is permissible for a Roman…
INTERCOMMUNITYintercommunity adj. Between communities.
intercommunity n. Intercommunication; reciprocal intercourse.
INTERCOMMUNITY adj. between communities.
INTERCOMPANIESSorry, definition not available.
INTERCOMPARINGintercomparing v. Present participle of intercompare.
INTERCOMPARE v. to make a comparison between.
INTERCONNECTEDinterconnected adj. Intertwined; connected at multiple points or levels.
interconnected v. Simple past tense and past participle of interconnect.
INTERCONNECT v. to connect with one another.
INTERCONNECTORinterconnector n. That which interconnects.
INTERCONNECTOR n. a device or feeder by which electricity generated in an area or country may be exported to another area or country.
INTERCONNEXIONinterconnexion n. Dated form of interconnection.
INTERCONNEXION n. a mutual connexion.
INTERCONVERTEDinterconverted v. Simple past tense and past participle of interconvert.
INTERCONVERT v. to convert (two or more things) into one another.
INTERCORPORATEintercorporate adj. Between corporations.
INTERCORPORATE adj. between corporations.
INTERCORRELATEintercorrelate v. (Intransitive, of multiple things) To correlate mutually.
INTERCORRELATE v. to correlate together.
INTERCOUNTRIESSorry, definition not available.
INTERCURRENCESintercurrences n. Plural of intercurrence.
INTERCURRENCE n. the state of being intercurrent.
INTERCURRENTLYintercurrently adv. In an intercurrent way.
INTERCURRENT adv. occurring during an existing disease.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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