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There are 13 twelve-letter words beginning with INTERF

INTERFACINGSinterfacings n. Plural of interfacing.
INTERFACING n. firm material sewn between layers of fabric to shape and stiffen a garment.
INTERFACULTYinterfaculty adj. Between faculties.
INTERFACULTY adj. between faculties.
INTERFEMORALinterfemoral adj. (Anatomy) Between the femurs.
INTERFEMORAL adj. situated between the thighs, connecting the hind limbs.
INTERFERENCEinterference n. The act of interfering with something, or something that interferes.
interference n. (Sports) The illegal obstruction of an opponent in some ball games.
interference n. (Physics) An effect caused by the superposition of two systems of waves.
INTERFERTILEinterfertile adj. Capable of interbreeding.
INTERFERTILE adj. capable of interbreeding.
INTERFLOWINGinterflowing v. Present participle of interflow.
INTERFLOW v. to flow in.
INTERFLUENCEinterfluence n. The condition of being interfluent.
INTERFLUENCE n. a flowing between.
INTERFLUVIALinterfluvial adj. Between rivers or streams.
INTERFLUVIAL adj. between two rivers flowing in same direction.
INTERFOLDINGinterfolding v. Present participle of interfold.
interfolding n. A folding together or into one another.
INTERFOLD v. to fold together or within each other.
INTERFOLIATEinterfoliate v. (Obsolete) To interleave.
INTERFOLIATE v. to interleave.
INTERFRETTEDinterfretted adj. (Heraldry) Interlaced; linked together; said of charges or bearings.
INTERFRETTED adj. interlaced.
INTERFRONTALinterfrontal adj. (Anatomy) Between the frontal bones.
INTERFRONTAL adj. between the frontal bones.
INTERFUSIONSinterfusions n. Plural of interfusion.
INTERFUSION n. the act of interfusing.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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