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There are 13 words beginning with ISOBA

ISOBARisobar n. (Meteorology) A line drawn on a map or chart connecting places of equal or constant pressure.
isobar n. (Thermodynamics) A set of points or conditions at constant pressure.
isobar n. (Nuclear physics) Either of two nuclides of different elements having the same mass number.
ISOBAREisobare n. (Nuclear physics) Dated form of isobar.
ISOBARE n. a type of atom, also ISOBAR.
ISOBARSisobars n. Plural of isobar.
ISOBAR n. a type of atom, also ISOBARE.
ISOBASEisobase n. (Archaeology, geology) A line drawn on a map or chart connecting places of equal or constant land upheaval…
ISOBASE n. a contour line of equal upheaval of the land.
ISOBATHisobath n. A line on a map or chart joining places of equal depth of water; a depth contour.
ISOBATH n. a contour line connecting points of equal water depth.
ISOBARESisobares n. Plural of isobare.
ISOBARE n. a type of atom, also ISOBAR.
ISOBARICisobaric adj. Having the same pressures, masses, or densities.
isobaric adj. (Physics) (of a thermodynamic process) having a constant pressure throughout.
isobaric adj. (Physics) isobaryonic.
ISOBASESisobases n. Plural of isobase.
ISOBASE n. a contour line of equal upheaval of the land.
ISOBATHSisobaths n. Plural of isobath.
ISOBATH n. a contour line connecting points of equal water depth.
ISOBARISMISOBARISM n. the use of isobars.
ISOBATHICisobathic adj. Of the same depth.
isobathic adj. Of or relating to an isobath.
ISOBATHIC adj. relating to isobaths, contour lines connecting points of equal underwater depth.
ISOBARISMSISOBARISM n. the use of isobars.
ISOBAROMETRICisobarometric adj. Indicating equal barometric pressure.
ISOBAROMETRIC adj. relating to measurement by isobar.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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