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There are 9 words beginning with INGRE

INGRESSingress n. The act of entering.
ingress n. Permission to enter.
ingress n. A door or other means of entering.
INGRESSESingresses n. Plural of ingress.
INGRESS n. a way in, an entrance.
INGREDIENTingredient n. One of the substances present in a mixture, especially food.
INGREDIENT n. something that enters into a mixture or compound.
INGRESSIONingression n. The act or process of entering or intruding.
ingression n. (Metaphysics) The process by which a potentiality enters into actuality.
ingression n. (Biology) The inward migration of cells from the blastula during gastrulation.
INGRESSIVEingressive adj. Going or directed inward, entering.
ingressive adj. Open to entry or examination.
ingressive adj. (Phonetics, of a speech sound) Uttered by drawing air inward through the mouth or nose.
INGREDIENTSingredients n. Plural of ingredient.
INGREDIENT n. something that enters into a mixture or compound.
INGRESSIONSingressions n. Plural of ingression.
INGRESSION n. entrance, ingress.
INGRESSIVESingressives n. Plural of ingressive.
INGRESSIVE n. a sound pronounced with inhalation.
INGRESSIVENESSingressiveness n. The quality of being ingressive.
INGRESSIVE n. pronounced with inhalation rather than exhalation of breath.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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