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There are 20 words beginning with INCOG

INCOGincog adj. Incognito.
incog adv. Incognito.
incog n. Incognito.
INCOGITABILITYincogitability n. The quality of being incogitable.
INCOGITABILITY n. the quality of being incogitable, unthinkable.
INCOGITABLEincogitable adj. Not cogitable; inconceivable.
INCOGITABLE adj. unthinkable.
INCOGITANCIESincogitancies n. Plural of incogitancy.
INCOGITANCY n. the state of being incogitant, thoughtless.
INCOGITANCYincogitancy n. A lack of thought or thinking.
INCOGITANCY n. the state of being incogitant, thoughtless.
INCOGITANTincogitant adj. Thoughtless; inconsiderate.
INCOGITANT adj. thoughtless; inconsiderate.
INCOGITATIVEincogitative adj. Not cogitative; lacking the power of thought.
INCOGITATIVE adj. unthinking, thoughtless.
INCOGNISABLEincognisable adj. Alternative form of incognizable.
INCOGNISABLE adj. that cannot be known or distinguished, also INCOGNIZABLE.
INCOGNISANCEincognisance n. Alternative spelling of incognizance.
INCOGNISANCE n. failure to recognise, also INCOGNIZANCE.
INCOGNISANTincognisant adj. Alternative form of incognizant.
INCOGNITAincognita n. A woman who is unknown or in disguise.
incognita n. (Of a woman) The state of being in disguise. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
incognita adj. Of a woman: without being known; in an assumed character, or under an assumed title; in disguise.
INCOGNITASincognitas n. Plural of incognita.
INCOGNITA n. (Italian) a woman who is unknown or in disguise.
INCOGNITOincognito adj. Without being known; in an assumed character, or under an assumed title; in disguise.
incognito adv. Without revealing one’s identity.
incognito n. One unknown or in disguise, or under an assumed character or name.
INCOGNITOSincognitos n. Plural of incognito.
INCOGNITO n. (Italian) a man who is unknown or in disguise.
INCOGNIZABLEincognizable adj. Not cognizable; incapable of being recognised.
INCOGNIZABLE adj. that cannot be known or distinguished, also INCOGNISABLE.
INCOGNIZANCEincognizance n. Failure to cognize, apprehend, or notice.
INCOGNIZANCE n. failure to recognise, also INCOGNISANCE.
INCOGNIZANTincognizant adj. Lacking knowledge; unaware (of).
INCOGNIZANT adj. lacking awareness or consciousness, also INCOGNISANT.
INCOGSincogs n. Plural of incog.
INCOG n. (short for) incognito, a person concealing his identity.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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