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There are 16 words beginning with INCIT

INCITEincite v. (Transitive) To stir up or excite; to rouse or goad into action.
INCITE v. to arouse to action.
INCITEDincited v. Simple past tense and past participle of incite.
INCITE v. to arouse to action.
INCITERinciter n. One who incites.
INCITER n. one who incites.
INCITESincites v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of incite.
INCITE v. to arouse to action.
INCITANTincitant adj. Inciting; stimulating.
incitant n. That which incites; an inciting agent or cause; a stimulant.
INCITANT n. something that incites.
INCITERSinciters n. Plural of inciter.
INCITER n. one who incites.
INCITINGinciting v. Present participle of incite.
INCITE v. to arouse to action.
INCITABLEINCITABLE adj. capable of being incited.
INCITANTSincitants n. Plural of incitant.
INCITANT n. something that incites.
INCITATIONincitation n. The act of inciting or moving to action.
incitation n. (Obsolete) Something that incites to action; a stimulus or incentive.
INCITATION n. the act of inciting.
INCITATIVEincitative n. A provocative; an incitant; a stimulant.
incitative adj. Inciting.
INCITATIVE n. an agent that incites.
INCITEMENTincitement n. A call to act; encouragement to act, often in an illegal fashion.
INCITEMENT n. the act of inciting.
INCITINGLYincitingly adv. In an inciting manner.
INCITING adv. INCITE, to arouse to action.
INCITATIONSincitations n. Plural of incitation.
INCITATION n. the act of inciting.
INCITATIVESincitatives n. Plural of incitative.
INCITATIVE n. an agent that incites.
INCITEMENTSincitements n. Plural of incitement.
INCITEMENT n. the act of inciting.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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