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There are 10 ten-letter words beginning with INSOL

INSOLATINGinsolating v. Present participle of insolate.
INSOLATE v. to expose to the sun's rays.
INSOLATIONinsolation n. The incident radiant energy emitted by the sun which reaches a unit area over a period of time, typically…
insolation n. The rate of delivery of such radiation.
insolation n. The act or process of exposing to the rays of the sun, such as for the purpose of medical treatment…
INSOLENCESinsolences n. Plural of insolence.
INSOLENCE n. rudeness, impudence.
INSOLENTLYinsolently adv. In an insolent manner.
INSOLENT adv. impertinent.
INSOLIDITYinsolidity n. Lack of solidity; weakness.
INSOLIDITY n. want of solidity.
INSOLUBLESinsolubles n. Plural of insoluble.
INSOLUBLE n. something insoluble.
INSOLVABLEinsolvable adj. Impossible to solve; insoluble.
insolvable adj. Incapable of being paid or discharged.
insolvable adj. Not capable of being loosed or disentangled; inextricable.
INSOLVABLYinsolvably adv. In an insolvable manner.
INSOLVABLE adv. not solvable.
INSOLVENCYinsolvency n. (Finance) The condition of being insolvent; the state or condition of a person who is insolvent; the…
insolvency n. Insufficiency to discharge all debts of the owner.
insolvency n. The condition of having more debts than assets.
INSOLVENTSinsolvents n. Plural of insolvent.
INSOLVENT n. one who is insolvent.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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