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There are 20 words beginning with ITEM

ITEMitem n. A distinct physical object.
item n. (By extension, video games) An object that can be picked up for later use.
item n. A line of text having a legal or other meaning; a separate particular in an account.
ITEMSitems n. Plural of item.
items v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of item.
ITEM v. to set down the particulars of, also ITEMISE, ITEMIZE.
ITEMEDitemed v. Simple past tense and past participle of item.
itemed adj. (In combination) Having a specified number or kind of item.
ITEM v. to set down the particulars of, also ITEMISE, ITEMIZE.
ITEMINGiteming v. Present participle of item.
ITEM v. to set down the particulars of, also ITEMISE, ITEMIZE.
ITEMISEitemise v. (British spelling) Alternative spelling of itemize.
ITEMISE v. to set down the particulars of, also ITEM, ITEMIZE.
ITEMIZEitemize v. (Transitive) To state in items, or by particulars.
ITEMIZE v. to set down the particulars of, also ITEM, ITEMISE.
ITEMISEDitemised v. Simple past tense and past participle of itemise.
ITEMISE v. to set down the particulars of, also ITEM, ITEMIZE.
ITEMISERitemiser n. Alternative form of itemizer.
ITEMISER n. one that itemizes, also ITEMIZER.
ITEMISESitemises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of itemise.
ITEMISE v. to set down the particulars of, also ITEM, ITEMIZE.
ITEMIZEDitemized v. Simple past tense and past participle of itemize.
ITEMIZE v. to set down the particulars of, also ITEM, ITEMISE.
ITEMIZERitemizer n. That which itemizes.
itemizer n. (US, finance) One who makes itemized deductions on a tax return.
ITEMIZER n. one that itemizes, also ITEMISER.
ITEMIZESitemizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of itemize.
ITEMIZE v. to set down the particulars of, also ITEM, ITEMISE.
ITEMISERSitemisers n. Plural of itemiser.
ITEMISER n. one that itemizes, also ITEMIZER.
ITEMISINGitemising v. Present participle of itemise.
ITEMISE v. to set down the particulars of, also ITEM, ITEMIZE.
ITEMIZERSitemizers n. Plural of itemizer.
ITEMIZER n. one that itemizes, also ITEMISER.
ITEMIZINGitemizing v. Present participle of itemize.
ITEMIZE v. to set down the particulars of, also ITEM, ITEMISE.
ITEMISATIONitemisation n. (British spelling) Alternative spelling of itemization.
ITEMISATION n. the act of itemizing, also ITEMIZATION.
ITEMIZATIONitemization n. The act of making a list of items; an itemizing.
ITEMIZATION n. the act of itemizing, also ITEMISATION.
ITEMISATIONSitemisations n. Plural of itemisation.
ITEMISATION n. the act of itemizing, also ITEMIZATION.
ITEMIZATIONSitemizations n. Plural of itemization.
ITEMIZATION n. the act of itemizing, also ITEMISATION.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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