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There are 12 words beginning with IRIS

IRISiris n. (Botany) A plant of the genus Iris, common in the northern hemisphere, and generally having attractive…
iris n. (Anatomy) The contractile membrane perforated by the pupil, which adjusts to control the amount of light…
iris n. (Photography, cinematography) A diaphragm used to regulate the size of a hole, especially as a way of…
IRISATEIRISATE v. to make iridescent.
IRISATEDirisated adj. Exhibiting the prismatic colours; iridescent.
IRISATE v. to make iridescent.
IRISATESIRISATE v. to make iridescent.
IRISATINGirisating adj. Exhibiting the prismatic colours; iridescent.
IRISATE v. to make iridescent.
IRISATIONirisation n. (Meteorology) A colorful optical phenomenon seen in iridescent clouds and on the borders of lenticular…
IRISATION n. iridescence.
IRISATIONSirisations n. Plural of irisation.
IRISATION n. iridescence.
IRISCOPEiriscope n. A philosophical toy for exhibiting the prismatic tints by means of thin films.
IRISCOPE n. an instrument showing colours of a prism.
IRISCOPESiriscopes n. Plural of iriscope.
IRISCOPE n. an instrument showing colours of a prism.
IRISEDirised adj. (Of eyes) Having irises of a specified colour or kind.
irised adj. (Dated, literary) Shining with colours like those of the rainbow.
irised adj. (Mineralogy, chemistry, obsolete) Exhibiting the prismatic colours.
IRISESirises n. Plural of iris.
irises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of iris.
IRIS v. to give the form of a rainbow to.
IRISINGirising n. (Film) The use of an iris shot.
irising v. Present participle of iris.
IRIS v. to give the form of a rainbow to.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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