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There are 19 words beginning with INAN

INANEinane adj. Lacking sense or meaning (often to the point of boredom or annoyance).
inane adj. Purposeless; pointless.
inane n. That which is void or empty.
INANELYinanely adv. In an inane manner.
INANE adv. empty, senseless.
INANENESSinaneness n. Inanity.
INANENESS n. the state of being inane.
INANENESSESinanenesses n. Plural of inaneness.
INANENESS n. the state of being inane.
INANERinaner adj. Comparative form of inane: more inane.
INANE adj. empty, senseless.
INANESinanes n. Plural of inane.
INANE n. empty space.
INANESTinanest adj. Superlative form of inane: most inane.
INANE adj. empty, senseless.
INANGAinanga n. (New Zealand) A fish, the jollytail (Galaxias maculatus).
INANGA n. (Maori) the New Zealand whitebait.
INANGASinangas n. Plural of inanga.
INANGA n. (Maori) the New Zealand whitebait.
INANIMATEinanimate adj. Lacking the quality or ability of motion; as an inanimate object.
inanimate adj. Not being, and never having been alive, especially not like humans and animals.
inanimate adj. (Grammar) Not animate.
INANIMATELYinanimately adv. In an inanimate manner.
INANIMATE adv. not alive.
INANIMATENESSinanimateness n. The property of being inanimate.
INANIMATENESS n. the state of being inanimate.
INANIMATENESSESinanimatenesses n. Plural of inanimateness.
INANIMATENESS n. the state of being inanimate.
INANIMATIONinanimation n. Lack of animation; lifeless; dullness.
inanimation n. Infusion of life or vigor; animation; inspiration.
INANIMATION n. the state of being inanimate.
INANIMATIONSINANIMATION n. the state of being inanimate.
INANITIESinanities n. Plural of inanity.
INANITY n. something that is inane.
INANITIONinanition n. The act of removing the contents of something; the state of being empty.
inanition n. (Medicine) A state of advanced lack of adequate nutrition, food, or water or a physiological inability…
inanition n. (Figuratively, philosophy) A spiritual emptiness or lack of purpose or will to live, akin to the Existentialist…
INANITIONSinanitions n. Plural of inanition.
INANITION n. a condition of exhaustion resulting from lack of nourishment.
INANITYinanity n. (Uncountable) The property of being inane, of lacking material of interest or satisfaction, emptiness.
inanity n. Something that is inane.
INANITY n. something that is inane.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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