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There are 12 nine-letter words beginning with ISOP

ISOPHONESisophones n. Plural of isophone.
ISOPHONE n. a line delineating a geographical region where a certain pronunciation is used.
ISOPHOTALisophotal adj. Of or pertaining to isophotes.
ISOPHOTAL adj. relating to an isophote, a line connecting points of equal light intensity from a given source.
ISOPHOTESisophotes n. Plural of isophote.
ISOPHOTE n. a line on an image of a galaxy, nebula or other celestial object connecting points of equal light intensity from a given source.
ISOPLETHSisopleths n. Plural of isopleth.
ISOPLETH n. a line connecting points of equal aspect of climate.
ISOPODANSisopodans n. Plural of isopodan.
ISOPODAN n. a kind of crustacean, also ISOPOD.
ISOPODOUSisopodous adj. Belonging or relating to the isopods.
ISOPODOUS adj. of or like an isopod, a kind of small crustacean.
ISOPOLITYisopolity n. Equal rights of citizenship in different communities; mutual political rights.
ISOPOLITY n. reciprocity of rights of citizenship in two communities.
ISOPRENESisoprenes n. Plural of isoprene.
ISOPRENE n. a hydrocarbon of the terpene group.
ISOPROPYLisopropyl n. (Chemistry) the univalent organic radical (CH3)2CH-.
ISOPROPYL n. a radical derived from propane.
ISOPTERANisopteran n. (Zoology) Any member of the infraorder Isoptera of termites.
ISOPTERAN n. any member of an order of insects, the termites, having the two pairs of wings (when present) closely alike.
ISOPYCNALisopycnal n. (Meteorology, oceanography) A line connecting points of constant density in the ocean or in the atmosphere.
ISOPYCNAL n. a line on a map connecting points of equal atmospheric density, also ISOPYCNIC.
ISOPYCNICisopycnic adj. (Physics) Of points on a surface, or in a medium: having equal densities.
isopycnic n. A line on a chart connecting points of equal density.
ISOPYCNIC n. a line on a map connecting points of equal atmospheric density, also ISOPYCNAL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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