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List of 9-letter words beginning with

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There are 14 nine-letter words beginning with IDIO

IDIOBLASTidioblast n. (Botany) An isolated specialised cell found in the midst of an otherwise homogeneous group of cells in plant tissue.
IDIOBLAST n. a plant cell that differs from neighbouring cells in the same tissue.
IDIOGRAMSidiograms n. Plural of idiogram.
IDIOGRAM n. a diagram of chromosomes in pairs.
IDIOGRAPHidiograph n. A mark or signature peculiar to an individual.
IDIOGRAPH n. a private mark, a trademark.
IDIOLECTSidiolects n. Plural of idiolect.
IDIOLECT n. an individual's distinctive form of speech.
IDIOMATICidiomatic adj. Pertaining or conforming to idiom, the natural mode of expression of a language.
idiomatic adj. Resembling or characteristic of an idiom.
idiomatic adj. (Music) Relating to parts or pieces which are written both within the natural physical limitations of…
IDIOPATHYidiopathy n. (Pathology) Something idiopathic; a disease having no known cause.
IDIOPATHY n. a disease of unknown origin or one having no apparent cause.
IDIOPHONEidiophone n. Any musical instrument that produces its sound by its own vibration (without any strings or membranes).
IDIOPHONE n. a percussion instrument made of naturally resonant material.
IDIOPLASMidioplasm n. Alternative form of idioplasma.
IDIOPLASM n. the part of the protoplasm bearing hereditary characteristics.
IDIOTCIESidiotcies n. Plural of idiotcy.
IDIOTCY n. the state of being an idiot, also IDIOCY, IDIOTISM.
IDIOTICALidiotical adj. (Archaic) simple, unlearned.
IDIOTICAL adj. relating to or like an idiot, also IDIOTIC.
IDIOTICONidioticon n. A dictionary of a specific dialect, or of the words and phrases peculiar to one part of a country; a glossary.
IDIOTICON n. a dialect dictionary.
IDIOTISMSidiotisms n. Plural of idiotism.
IDIOTISM n. the state of being an idiot, also IDIOCY, IDIOTCY.
IDIOTYPESidiotypes n. Plural of idiotype.
IDIOTYPE n. the unique part of an antibody.
IDIOTYPICidiotypic adj. Of or pertaining to an idiotype.
IDIOTYPIC adj. of or like an idiotype, the unique part of an antibody.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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