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There are 11 eight-letter words beginning with ISOT

ISOTACHSisotachs n. Plural of isotach.
ISOTACH n. a line connecting points of equal wind velocity.
ISOTHEREisothere n. An isotherm connecting points on a map with equal mean summer temperature.
ISOTHERE n. a line connecting points of the same average summer temperature, also ISOTHERAL.
ISOTHERMisotherm n. A line on a graph or chart, such as a weather map, along which all the points have the same temperature.
ISOTHERM n. a line on a map connecting points of equal average temperature, also ISOTHERMAL.
ISOTONESisotones n. Plural of isotone.
ISOTONE n. one of a number of nuclides having the same number of neutrons in the nucleus with differing numbers of protons.
ISOTONICisotonic adj. (Of two solutions) Having the same osmotic pressure.
isotonic adj. (Of a medical solution) Having the same concentration of solutes as human blood.
isotonic adj. (Of two muscles) Having equal tension.
ISOTOPESisotopes n. Plural of isotope.
ISOTOPE n. one of two more atoms with the same atomic number that contain different numbers of neutrons.
ISOTOPICisotopic adj. (Chemistry, physics) of, or relating to isotopes.
isotopic adj. (Mathematics) Of two presemifields 𝕊 and 𝕊′ of characteristic 𝑝, when there exists three linear maps…
ISOTOPIC adj. of or like an isotope.
ISOTRONSisotrons n. Plural of isotron.
ISOTRON n. a device for separating isotopes.
ISOTROPYisotropy n. (Geometry, physics) The property of being identical, or having the same physical properties, in all directions.
ISOTROPY n. the state of being identical in all directions.
ISOTYPESisotypes n. Plural of isotype.
ISOTYPE n. in taxonomy, a duplicate of the holotype, a specimen made from the same collection as the holotype.
ISOTYPICisotypic adj. (Geology, of a mineral) Having the same crystal or chemical structure as another.
ISOTYPIC adj. of or like an isotype, a duplicate of the holotype, a specimen made from the same collection as the holotype.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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