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There are 12 eight-letter words beginning with IMPR

IMPREGNSimpregns v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of impregn.
IMPREGN v. (archaic) to impregnate.
IMPRESASimpresas n. Plural of impresa.
IMPRESA n. (Italian) an emblem with a motto, also IMPRESE, IMPRESSE.
IMPRESESimpreses n. Plural of imprese.
IMPRESE n. (Italian) an emblem with a motto, also IMPRESA, IMPRESSE.
IMPRESSEimpresse n. Obsolete form of impress. (a heraldic device; an impresa)
IMPRESSE n. (Italian) an emblem with a motto, also IMPRESA, IMPRESE.
IMPRESTSimprests n. Plural of imprest.
imprests v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of imprest.
IMPREST n. an advance of money, esp. one made to carry out some business for a government.
IMPRIMISimprimis adv. In the first place (used to introduce a list of items or considerations).
IMPRIMIS adv. (Latin) in the first place: originally used to introduce the first of a number of articles in a list, such as a will, an inventory, etc.
IMPRINTSimprints n. Plural of imprint.
imprints v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of imprint.
IMPRINT v. to produce a mark by pressure.
IMPRISONimprison v. (Transitive) To put in or as if in prison; confine somebody against their will.
IMPRISON v. to confine in a prison.
IMPROPERimproper adj. Unsuitable to needs or circumstances; inappropriate; inapt.
improper adj. Not in keeping with conventional mores or good manners; indecent or immodest.
improper adj. Not according to facts; inaccurate or erroneous.
IMPROVEDimproved adj. That has been made better; enhanced.
improved v. Simple past tense and past participle of improve.
IMPROVE v. to make better.
IMPROVERimprover n. Something that, or someone who, improves something.
improver n. (Obsolete) Specifically, a person who improves land or property, a landscaper.
improver n. One who improves his or her performance, one who shows improvement (of individuals or groups).
IMPROVESimproves v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of improve.
IMPROVE v. to make better.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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