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There are 16 words beginning with INP

INPATIENTinpatient n. (Healthcare) A patient whose treatment needs at least one night’s residence in a hospital; a hospitalized patient.
in-patient n. Alternative spelling of inpatient.
INPATIENT n. a patient living and being treated in a hospital.
INPATIENTSinpatients n. Plural of inpatient.
in-patients n. Plural of in-patient.
INPATIENT n. a patient living and being treated in a hospital.
INPAYMENTinpayment n. An incoming payment; income.
INPAYMENT n. the payment of money into a bank account.
INPAYMENTSinpayments n. Plural of inpayment.
INPAYMENT n. the payment of money into a bank account.
INPHASEinphase adj. Alternative form of in phase.
in␣phase phr. Mutually synchronized.
INPHASE adj. having matching electrical phases.
INPOURinpour v. (Transitive, archaic) To pour in.
INPOUR v. to pour in.
INPOUREDinpoured v. Simple past tense and past participle of inpour.
INPOUR v. to pour in.
INPOURINGinpouring n. An inward flow.
INPOURING n. the act of pouring in.
INPOURINGSinpourings n. Plural of inpouring.
INPOURING n. the act of pouring in.
INPOURSinpours v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of inpour.
INPOUR v. to pour in.
INPUTinput n. The act or process of putting in; infusion.
input n. That which is put in, as in an amount.
input n. Contribution of work or information, as an opinion or advice.
INPUTSinputs n. Plural of input.
inputs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of input.
INPUT v. to enter data into a computer.
INPUTTEDinputted v. Simple past tense and past participle of input.
INPUT v. to enter data into a computer.
INPUTTERinputter n. One who, or that which, inputs.
INPUTTER n. someone who feeds in information.
INPUTTERSinputters n. Plural of inputter.
INPUTTER n. someone who feeds in information.
INPUTTINGinputting v. Present participle of input.
INPUT v. to enter data into a computer.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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